Preparing Household Trash for Collection
Collection, The collection will be made between 7:00 AM and 9:00 PM on your designated County collection day.
Place items for collection at the curb prior to 7 a.m. on the day of your collection, but not prior to 5 p.m. the day before your collection.
Trash should be in closed containers or tied bags.
Containers and bags must weigh less than 50 lbs when filled.
Place large trash items next to trash containers for collection on regular scheduled trash collection days.
Animal Waste (kitty litter, dog waste) and human waste (diapers) must be double bagged.
Medicines and Needles. While unused medicine may be placed in household trash, for safety reasons, residents are encouraged to turn in unused medicines at periodic Prescription Drug Take Back events, or to visit the Federal Drug Administration’s web site concerning safe disposal of unused medicines. Needles, syringes, lancets and other sharp objects can be placed in puncture-proof, hard plastic containers you can’t see through. Then place the sealed container with your household trash – – never in a recycling bin.
Mattresses must be sealed in a plastic bag if they are deteriorated/soiled in any way or if they have any chance of bed bug infestation. Mattress bag can be purchased at local stores such as Target, Home Deport or Lowe’s.

Prohibited Items
The following items will not be picked up with household trash:
- Ammunition or firearms
- Car parts
- Compressed gas cylinders (propane, air, other gasses)
- Construction debris (concrete, bricks, lumber, windows, doors)
- Dirt, sod, mulch, rocks
- Hazardous materials
- Items that can be recycled through the City’s Residential Recycling Program
- Large or bulky items, items made of 98% metal, appliances, and tires
- Liquids of any type
- Stumps larger than 6” in diameter
- Yard Waste (The County prohibits yard waste in the landfill)
Large or Bulky Items
Bulk trash collections must be scheduled in advance of your collection day no later than 11:59p.m. on the day before your collection day (online) and no later than 7:00 p.m. on the business day before your collection using the county’s 311 telephone service. Large or bulky trash items such as rugs, mattresses, wooden furniture, upholstered furniture (couches, chairs) and plastic toys, etc. These items will be picked up on your regular trash day.
If you request your pick up after the deadline, your bulk items will be collected the following week on your regularly scheduled trash collection day.
Large or bulky trash items shall be at the curb by 7 a.m. on your normal trash collection day.

Montgomery County has a dual-stream recycling program for residents of single-family homes and townhomes.
Put your mixed paper items (paper and cardboard) into your blue recycling wheeled cart (or in a paper bag, cardboard box, or bundle with twine), and place your commingled materials (glass/plastic/metal bottles, jars, cans and containers) into your blue bin. DO NOT mix these two groups of recyclable materials together in one recycling container. Download the flyer. Recycling should be in recycling bins or carts. Items that do not fit in the cart, such as cardboard, will also be collected if bundled and placed next to the cart. Recyclables will be collected at your curb on your residential recycling collection day each week. All paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, glass food and drink containers should be separated in your recycling cart for the weekly collection.

Dual Stream Recycling Truck
Yard waste should be put out in one of the following ways:
Loose within a container weighing no more than 50 lbs. (Do not use blue recycling carts or bins for yard waste.)
Bagged in PAPER bags (Large yard waste paper bags are available from BJ’s, Giant, Home Depot, Lowes, Safeway, Target, Walmart, and other local stores. Plastic bags may not be used for yard waste.)
Branches up to 3 inches in diameter and 4 feet long must be tied in bundles; bundles must weigh no more than 50 lbs each.

Acceptable Items:
Grass clippings
Small limbs/branches
Christmas trees
Prohibited Items:
Landscape timbers